Do you ever enjoy doing something with great passion and then all of a sudden something happens to cause you to lose interest in ever doing that something again? Have you ever lost an article you were writing due to a frozen computer or simply misplaced the article? When you started all over was it as much fun or done with the same passion or enthusiasm as the first time?
I have been thinking about that very topic and how it is just never as good or as pleasurable when the activity or article is lost and then started again. Something in the finished article or the pleasure of doing what ever it is just seems lost.
I have never quite experienced that in crocheting. Instead I find myself checking out new patterns or techniques and continue to build on my passion. For instance have you ever tried Intarsia Crochet?
I have been thinking about that very topic and how it is just never as good or as pleasurable when the activity or article is lost and then started again. Something in the finished article or the pleasure of doing what ever it is just seems lost.
I have never quite experienced that in crocheting. Instead I find myself checking out new patterns or techniques and continue to build on my passion. For instance have you ever tried Intarsia Crochet?
Your comments are welcome. Post in the comments box below. I would love to hear about your crochet path.
Crochet The Path |
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